Annual Title Awards

Its that time again everyone.  Be sure you do not miss out on getting your dog plaque or new title plates.

Pals and Paws Annual Title Award Form 2019

(For dogs that have earned an agility title between August 2018 and July 2019)

Member’s name:

Member’s contact information

Email address:

Phone number:

Dog’s registered name:

(You may include any titles earned prior to July 2018 to be listed after the dog’s name)

Dog’s call name:

___________plaque   (one plaque per dog per lifetime

List agility titles earned between August 2018 and July 2019 in the order you want them listed on the title tag. List titles by abbreviation including the date the title was earned:

Please type or Print (Nicely-to be sure we can read) requested information above and EMAIL the form to Vicki Corley at: by NO LATER than WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14th 2019.


Plaque Time for titles – DEADLINE August 14th

Pals and Paws Annual Title Award Form 2019

(For dogs that have earned an agility title between August 2018 and July 2019)


Member’s name:

Member’s contact information

Email address:

Phone number:

Dog’s registered name:

(You may include any titles earned prior to July 2018 to be listed after the dog’s name)

Dog’s call name:


___________plaque   (one plaque per dog per lifetime


List agility titles earned between August 2018 and July 2019 in the order you want them listed on the title tag. List titles by abbreviation including the date the title was earned:


Please type or Print (Nicely-to be sure we can read) requested information above and EMAIL the form to Vicki Corley at: by NO LATER than WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14th 2019.

Elections Final Results

Hi Everyone,

So we had a total of 28 ballots and all in favor of the people in those positions.

So just to summarize:

Lauren Hansen – President

Anna Marie Burke – Vice President

Mark Erickson – Treasurer

Vicki Corley – Secretary

Board Members:

Ashley Escobar

Sue McKeever

Lynne Wetherell

Thank you all for attending the meeting and /or turning in your ballots.  We had a very successful Annual meeting.

Vicki Corley



Ballots for Elections

Hello everyone,  Please see attached the ballot for the elections that will be held June 15th at the members meeting at 4 pm at the Jacksonville Practice Field.  Please review the documents and this has also been emailed out to everyone that had a working email address as part of their membership.

If you have any questions, please let me know Vicki Corley